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Sugar Surfing™ for Diabetes Educators

Sugar Surfing was created and written to explain and disseminate Dynamic Diabetes Management practices which were already being practiced by many persons with type 1 diabetes, but often done without the awareness of diabetes health care providers or diabetes educators. As continuous glucose management (CGM) technologies became more widely used, Sugar Surfing methods and strategies became more popular and acceptable.

In 2018 I was honored to be chosen as the first physician Diabetes Educator of the Year by the American Association of Diabetes Educators (AADE). As I was later told by AADE leadership, it was believed that Sugar Surfing would benefit many persons with diabetes. The award would also help boost awareness and acceptance with diabetes educators in general. It did. At the 2018 AADE national meeting I was invited to compose a short guide called Sugar Surfing Basics for Diabetes Educators. This was published in the membership journal AADE In Practice for the month of September 2019.

To obtain a pdf copy of this original article AND the unabridged parent document, go to:

Use this easy to read article to let your diabetes educator or endocrinologist get a quick summary of what Dynamic Diabetes Management (Sugar Surfing) is about. Perhaps it will spur further interest and general acceptance. This is our hope.

We still have Sugar Surfing print books to offer at no cost to US diabetes physicians who specifically request them. Funding was provided by a generous grant from a workshop attendee in New Jersey. E-books are also available for out of US diabetes providers who request this. Any endocrinologists requesting a free book should send an email request to:

Of course there is a standing offer to a free e-book to any newly diagnosed patient or family of a child with diabetes if requested within 3 months of diagnosis. Here is the link:

Our educational non-profit seeks to encourage Dynamic Diabetes Management through this website and it's educational posts, the Facebook, Instagram and Twitter pages entitled "Sugar Surfing", ongoing worldwide sales of the book Sugar Surfing, and live face to face workshops across the US and beyond.

Our mission is clear: to promote and disseminate the concepts of Dynamic Diabetes Management across the world, as opposed to solely "static" approaches to self-care. We have been successful so far and continue to reach and help those in need. Of course your generous support through donations or simply sharing our links , posts and website addresses, continue to make a difference.

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