Quick Tips for Type 1 Diabetes
Installment #6 What follows is a quick and dirty list of my top of mind quick tips. The hemoglobin A1C reflects the average glucose...
Quick Tips for Type 1 Diabetes
Installment #5 What follows is a quick and dirty list of my top of mind quick tips. Research has proven that it’s best to review your own...
Quick Tips for Type 1 Diabetes
Installment #4 What follows is a quick and dirty list of my top of mind quick tips. Glargine (Lantus) and Detemir (Levemir) are also...

Reflections on inflections
Sugar Surfers reflect on inflections. What does that mean? It means that keeping an eye on changes in the direction of your blood sugar...
Quick Tips for Type 1 Diabetes
Installment #3 What follows is a quick and dirty list of my top of mind quick tips. Beta-hydroxybutyrate is the primary ketone found in...
Quick Tips for Type 1 Diabetes
Installment #2 What follows is a quick and dirty list of my top of mind quick tips. Lipohypertrophy happens when insulin shots are always...
Quick Tips for Type 1 Diabetes
Installment #1 What follows is a quick and dirty list of my top of mind quick tips. At diagnosis, most persons with type 1 diabetes have...