Live Sugar Surfing Workshop in East Texas!

At long last, COVID has loosened its grip and we are doing the first live Sugar Surfing Workshop since . . . forever, or at least since 2020. We hope you can join us for this 2 hour Workshop on June 11, 2022. It will be in Longview, Texas at the Pine Tree Church of Christ, 3221 Dundee Road in Longview, from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm. It is a nice, large, comfortable venue that we have used before.
The cost to attend is only $5.00 per adult, children are free. As always we welcome the kids who have Type 1 diabetes as well as siblings, since they live with diabetes as well. We will not have child care for very small kids, but those who can pay attention (or be entertained) for two hours are welcome. We will have refreshments available.
For those of you who have joined Sugar Surfing since 2020, or have not attended a Workshop, this is a live presentation of the Sugar Surfing concepts with visual aids, by Dr. Stephen Ponder. Questions from the participants are welcome and add to the presentation. Dr. Ponder is currently updating the Workshop based on some new ideas he has come up with since the book was published in 2015. And who knows what funny hats he will wear? He has some new ones!
What is Sugar Surfing? It is a dynamic approach to diabetes management for adults and children with Type 1 diabetes, using data from CGM technology to better manage diabetes in the moment. Keep doing what you love by living better with diabetes. The Workshop is open to all people living with Type 1 Diabetes, their caregivers & medical professionals. So, feel free to invite the grandparents and other extended family, as well as your child's caregivers, teachers, and medical care team.
We are excited to be able to present this Workshop. Much thanks goes to Amber Hobbs and Longview Type One Diabetes Foundation who have made this possible through their hard work and dedication. We hope to see people from all over east Texas and the surrounding areas in attendance. Longview is not too far from Houston, Dallas, Shreveport, and Little Rock!
Registration for the Workshop is up and running. To register, go to You will receive an electronic flyer when you purchase. No need to bring it with you; we will have a list of attendees. Please plan to arrive by 12:45 at the latest. June 11, 2002 from 1-3 pm in Longview, Texas. We can't wait to see you there!